Business and social responsibility

Social responsibility
Business journalist and author Dana Blankenhorn’s site on ecommerce
insights—but more often than not he comes up with insights
that extend well beyond this area, into policy and global justice.
Realism backed with lucid arguments
Beyond Branding
One of the 2000s’ great branding books, with a collection of
articles by members of the Medinge Group. Get a free Chapter 1 download. The pre-2006 blog is still there, too
Business Ethics
Ethics, celebrating its 15th anniversary in 2002, is arguably
the world's best thought-out periodical on the subject
Business in the Community
A site promoting corporate social responsibility and companies that
champion it
Corporate Accountability
Project: How the System Works (or Doesn’t Work) and What to
Do about It
A simply laid-out page on some facts about our system today, and suggestions for solutions
Started in 1996 and formally known as CorpWatch since 2001, this
moderate San Francisco-based site aims to hold corporations accountable
through promoting grass-roots, rather than corporate-led, globalization.
A sister site is open in India
Development Gateway
A complete resource on sustainable development and poverty reduction
Ethical Corporation
Started in 2002, UK-based Ethical Corporation magazine covers
issues in global corporate citizenship
Global Reconciliation Network
A network set up to share knowledge and to reconcile political and
cultural differences
Global Reporting Initiative
GRI, an official collaborating centre of the United Nations Environment
Programme (UNEP), develops sustainability reporting guidelines
Group Partners
The Group Partners network not only takes on consulting projects
but has some of the most responsible dialogues going in its forum
Human Rights Internet
Known for its databases and networking in human rights, including
the publication of the Human Rights Tribune magazine, HRI’s
site is a gateway to human rights’ resources. Though founded
in 1976, ‘Internet’ was part of its name from the beginning,
signifying its international network
Johnnie Moore
The site of Johnnie Moore, dedicated to providing authenticity in marketing
The largest global online community acting on extreme poverty worldwide
Prix Pictet
Sponsored by Swiss bank Pictet & Cie., the world’s premier
photographic award in sustainability, with the first one presented
by former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan
The Royal Society for the Encouragement
of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA)
Programmes and lectures based around the ideas of global citizenship
and enterprise
The Simultaneous Policy
Getting countries together to work on global problems, and to stop
thinking of them as domestic ones
Smart Growth Online
Smart Growth helps citizens participate in their communities using
collaboration techniques and technologies. Issues tackled include
housing, land use, open space and transportation
Society for Research and Initiatives for
Sustainable Technologies and Institutions (Sristi)
Indian NGO set up to help inventors and ecopreneurs engaged in conserving
Summer Rayne Oakes
We have worked with Summer Rayne since 2005, and she has built herself
a well deserved reputation in promoting environmental and sustainable
causes, including the areas of sustainable fashion and beauty as
exemplified with her book Style,
Naturally. She also advises on sustainability strategies
for the companies she works with
Jennifer Corriero and Mike Furdyk are building a global network of youth focused on changing the world. They recently
presented at the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg
and at Davos (suggested by Bill Jensen)
The American Prospect
This bi-weekly publication’s web presence presents thought-provoking
and intelligent articles on liberal philosophy, politics and public
life, written with a lot less partisanship than most publications,
be they conservative or liberal
Council on Foreign Relations
US-based publisher of Foreign Affairs and a think-tank promoting public policy (1/25)
The Fourth Turning
The authors of The Fourth Turning theorize that the United
States runs on a cycle of 80–100 years, and this century will
bring challenges that will make the nation face the issue of its
very existence. The web site dates from 1997, yet remains poignant
A spinoff of the book Jennifer Government, about an ultra-privatized
world where employees take on the surnames of their employers, NationStates
allows people to create their own countries in a virtual world,
vote on resolutions in a virtual UN, and get on with the business
of creating a better place. Arguably, the real world’s international
relations could be conducted along these lines—saving a lot
of money and producing quicker solutions to the world’s problems.
And imagine the possible transparency and democracy …
Simon Anholt
One of the leading experts on nation branding, and an independent
policy adviser, has relaunched his site, with his notes, press clippings
and other information
Environment and sustainability
Down to Earth
A smartly designed environmental site from India, featuring news,
opinion, reviews and features
Looking to solar power, Nanosolar is poised to mainstream the idea
by printing solar cells, rather than use conventional silicon cells
Prix Pictet
Sponsored by Swiss bank Pictet & Cie., the world’s premier
photographic award in sustainability, with the first one presented
by former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan
Summer Rayne Oakes
We have worked with Summer Rayne since 2005, and she has built herself
a well deserved reputation in promoting environmental and sustainable
causes, including the areas of sustainable fashion and beauty as
exemplified with her book Style,
Naturally. She also advises on sustainability strategies
for the companies she works with