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The Le Monde range

Above: The Le Monde range as used by the newspaper. J.-F. P. is working on a book version for 12 pt sizes and upward called Le Monde Livres, previewed in the printed edition of CAP exclusively. The newspaper is yet to adopt Porchez's fine Titling font and uses one designed by acclaimed type designer Sumner Stone instead. Although Mr Stone's design is of merit, it does not suit J.-F. P's text family as well.


After producing samples of the text at extremely short notice, it was decided that a setting of 7.8/9 pt be used for the newspaper.
   While on leave, Jean-François Porchez continued to work on the design using an Apple Powerbook. The digitization and design were largely done on-screen. By September 1994, he was preparing six styles of Le Monde text fonts: Roman, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic, Sans Roman and Sans Bold. In addition, he proposed a bold condensed titling font, with slightly reduced serif sizes in keeping with traditional type design principles, and an upright axis to balance the oblique axes of the other fonts. Being based on the text fonts, Le Monde Titling is a clear, harmonious design with transitional influences.
   There is also a pi font created especially for the paper.
   Ensuing months saw the official announcement by Jean-Marie Colombani that Porchez's designs would be used for the newspaper, with initial test runs in editions of Le Monde in October 1994.


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A world of concerns

A short history of newspaper type

The story continues

Le Monde's new face

Jean-François Porchez - biography


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